Disability and Sexuality
Michael Ralph (New York University)
This course will examine disability as it is culturally constructed, experienced, and represented by analyzing the complicated cultural significance of embodiment.
Genes, Environment and Behavior
Katayoun Chamany (New School)
Advances in genetics have increased our understanding of biology and human nature, and at the same time caused us to question some of our longest held beliefs.
Global Biocultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Public Health
Helena Hansen (New York University)
This course surveys the mutual shaping of culture and biology in diverse contexts around the world.
Health and the Social Markers of Difference
Peter Locke, Lilia Schwarz, Laura Moutinho, José Ricardo Ayres (Princeton)
This course will examine the role of social markers of difference including race, class, nationality, gender, sexuality, age and religion in current debates and challenges in the theory and practice of global health.
History of Reproduction
Bridget Gurtler (Bryn Mawr)
This course investigates the evolution of reproduction in American medicine, science, politics, and culture.
Modern Genetics and Public Policy
Keith Wailoo and Shirley Tilghman (Princeton)
This course examines the impact of discoveries in modern genetics and advances in genetic technology on public policy.
Mortality on the Margins: Race, Inequality and Health Policy in the US
Alecia McGregory (Princeton)
This course critically examines the unequal distribution of disease and mortality in the United States along the axes of race, ethnicity, class and place.
Nature/Culture Now!
Elizabeth Roberts and Abigail Bigham (UMich)
This course, co-taught by a biological and a cultural anthropologist, investigates the ongoing power of the nature-culture opposition through an examination of anthropology’s central role in formulating the dichotomy itself.
Race & Science: A History
Benjamin Wiggins (UPenn)
This course traces the history of attempts to construct race as a scientific means for not only dividing the human population, but also for regulating and altering the shape of the population.
Reproduction, Families and Social Policy
Nancy Jo Pokrywka and Mary Shanley (Vassar)
This course studies both social and biological dimensions surrounding family formation in the contemporary United States.
Seminar in Neuroethics
Charles Gross (Princeton)
This class takes up ethical, social, and political issues arising from discoveries in neuroscience.