Symbioses: A Biosocial Network, Fourth Interdisciplinary Retreat, Agenda

Hosted by the Penn Program on Race, Science & Society, and the UPenn Center for Neuroscience and Society. At Goddard Laboratories 2nd floor, 3710 Hamilton Walk (at 36th and Spruce) Philadelphia

9:30-10AMCoffee and Bagels

10-10:15AMWelcome and Goals of the Day

Dorothy Roberts (Penn Program on Race, Science and Society)

Helena Hansen (NYU Anthropology and Psychiatry)

10:15AM-12PMEcosocial Causes and Health Interventions:
Martha Farah (UPenn Neuroscience)
Emma Kowal (National University of Australia Anthropology and Medicine)

Mindy Fullilove (New School for Social Research Urban Policy and Health)
Alonzo Plough (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) 


1-2:20PMChemical Cultures
Carl Hart(Columbia Psychiatry and Psychology)
Anita Hardon (University of Amsterdam Anthropology)
Helena Hansen (NYU Anthropology and Psychiatry)

2:20-3:40PMSocial Lives of Microbes

Richard Cone (Johns Hopkins Biophysics)
Amber Benezra (NYU Anthropology)

Paul Planet (UPenn Pediatric Infectious Disease)

3:40-4PMCoffee Break

4-5PMGoing Global with Biosocial Research
Projit Mukherji (UPenn History and Sociology of Science)
Sarah Tishkoff (Genetics and Biology, UPenn)
(Discussants Emma Kowal and Anita Hardon)

5-5:30PMReflections and Next Steps